新加坡圣占姆士发电厂建立于一个世纪以前,它在机电工程领域开创了诸多第一,不仅是新加坡首座市政发电站,同时也是东南亚首座电力工业建筑。如今,这一新加坡历史地标经活化与设计后,已成为戴森崭新的全球总部。承载着戴森的创新精神,人才与创意将成为这片历史沃土的未来发展动力。 St James Power Station is the site of many engineering firsts. Established a century ago, it was the first municipal power station in Singapore and one of the first industrial buildings of its kind in Southeast Asia. The legacy of innovation continues as Dyson reinvents a historic national monument as its new global HQ. People and ideas power future growth in this Singapore office design for Dyson. ▼项目外观,external view of the project © Finbarr Fallon

项目一览 At a glance 1. 以员工需求为中心,活化历史建筑。 2. 以业务与功能为导向,开展空间规划。 3. 以人为本,打造城市可持续发展典范。 4. 以设计驱动灵感,焕发科技创新生命力。 1. Repurposing the building for Dyson’s research, development and operations teams. 2. A campus-like masterplan that respects the existing heritage architecture. 3. Delivering a sustainable and human-centred workplace. 4. Creating a sense of purpose and architectural identity through design. ▼内部空间概览,overall view of the interior space © Finbarr Fallon

以员工需求为中心活化历史建筑 Repurposing the building for people at work 原本圣占姆士发电厂的设计以满足机器设备运营为先,我们希望协助戴森将其改造为以人们办公体验为中心的集团总部。为实现该目的,我们需要为其员工营造一片能够激发灵感的功能性空间,适于研究、开发与运营等日常工作,以提升工作效率,促进沟通与合作。 In a building originally designed for machines, the team’s focus was to help Dyson reinvent it for people. In doing so, it was essential to have a functional and inspiring space. A space to support the research, development and operations teams to work, meet and collaborate. ▼激发灵感的功能性空间,a functional and inspiring space © Finbarr Fallon

新总部的中心是一个四层楼高的工业空间——即曾经的涡轮大厅(Turbine Hall)。这一中心地带受大学校园建筑的方庭结构启发,承担着流通枢纽的重要作用,连接起所有空间。不仅提供了促进专注工作的灵活办公区域,同时也是连接与交流之所。 At the heart of this Singapore office design for Dyson is the former Turbine Hall. A dramatic four-storey industrial space. Inspired by the quadrangles of academic campuses, this central space serves as a circulation hub, connecting all areas. An inner retreat for agile working and a community space for people to meet and connect. ▼极具造型感的阶梯,a dynamic feature staircase © Finbarr Fallon

走入涡轮大厅,映入眼帘的是一个极具造型感的阶梯,该点睛之笔是这个办公场所的脊梁,连通起四层楼的各个部门,使其联系更加紧密,并提升了大厅的流动性。而在另一端,毗邻于咖啡厅的是阶梯空间,为员工提供分享经验、促进学习交流、并开展实验的场所。 On entering the Turbine Hall, people are greeted by a dynamic feature staircase. This is the functional spine of the workplace linking all four floors. It supports connection between departments and activates circulation in the busy, central Turbine Hall. At the other end, adjacent to the Work Café, is the Amphitheatre. This is a destination for shared experiences, encouraging communication, experimentation and constant learning. ▼阶梯空间,the amphitheatre © Finbarr Fallon

以业务与功能为导向的空间规划 Planning driven by business and function 戴森全球总部以促进业务发展,持续推进研发领域创新为主要目标。具体而言,便是为科研与工程技术人员提供绝佳办公空间,支持未来技术的研发。这一“类园区”的大型工程项目旨在尊重现有历史遗产的基础上满足戴森的业务需求。其规划与分区均经过深思熟虑,以满足这一全球科技企业中不同部门的多样化需求。 The main goal of Dyson’s global HQ is to advance growth and support innovation in research and development. In particular, to provide a space that better supports the scientists and engineers working on future technologies. The campus-like masterplan is designed to deliver on Dyson’s business needs while respecting the existing heritage architecture. Carefully considered planning and zoning meets the different demands of all departments. ▼满足多样化需求的空间,planning and zoning meets the different demands © Finbarr Fallon

▼无缝整合工作空间、实验室与社交场所,seamlessly incorporate workspaces, laboratories and social spaces © Finbarr Fallon

要将一栋历史工业建筑改造为创新园区,并无缝整合工作空间、实验室与社交场所,这需要解决诸多设计方面的挑战。我们通过改进声学结构、整合应用科技,从而赋予这一建筑现代工作场所的功能。另外,还要为不同团队提供一系列办公地点与空间的选择,从而满足他们的各类需求,其中包括团队交流合作的休息区以及适合专注工作的安静图书区。 Adapting an old industrial building into a campus for innovation meant tackling many design challenges. We needed to seamlessly incorporate workspaces, laboratories and social spaces. Designing improved acoustics and integrating technology for modern workplace functions was essential. We addressed the diverse needs of different teams by offering a range of alternative work points and spaces. These include break-out areas for team collaboration and quieter library zones for focus. ▼与科技相结合的现代工作场所,modern workplace integrated with technology © Finbarr Fallon

以人为本打造可持续园区 Creating a sustainable and human centred campus 戴森全球新总部采用绿色建筑材料,将员工身心健康置于首位,在提升办公体验的同时,促进企业实现净零排放目标。以绿色标志铂金认证(Green mark platinum credit)为基准,整合了智能建筑技术、节能策略和资源管理等措施。 Healthy materials address wellness while advancing Dyson’s carbon net-zero goals. Engineered to a Green Mark Platinum standard, the design leverages smart building technologies, energy reduction strategies and resource stewardship programs. ▼绿色建筑材料打造的舒适空间,cozy space made of healthy materials © Finbarr Fallon

空气质量监测与可调节式桌椅为员工带来了舒适体验,同时提升工作效率。一系列包容性便利设施包括安静区、医疗室、母婴室与祷告室体现了对员工身心健康的重视。 Air quality monitoring and adjustable furniture support comfort and increase productivity. A range of amenities from quiet zones to medical, parent and prayer rooms support inclusive physical and emotional wellbeing. ▼舒适的办公环境,comfortable work environment © Finbarr Fallon

中心区的树木让这片原工业用地的空气质量更清新,温度更适宜。位于顶层的景观露台为邻近的会议和社交空间增添了自然触感。作为一栋曾经的废弃建筑,圣占姆士发电厂获得了涅槃与新生,同时也为该地区的建筑再利用和城市可持续发展领域创造了罕见的典范。 In the central spaces of this Singapore office design for Dyson, trees improve air quality and thermal comfort. Also, a landscaped rooftop terrace brings nature to the adjacent meeting spaces. This sympathetically repurposed building is a rare example of architectural renewal and urban sustainability. ▼中心区的树木和绿植,trees and vegetation in the central spaces © Finbarr Fallon

▼围绕中心区树木的办公桌,desk around the tree in the central spaces © Finbarr Fallon

以设计驱动灵感迸发 Inspiration through design 这一创新园区的建筑材料不仅标志着建筑本身的功能与定位,同时也营造了工作的氛围与意义。混凝土地板与黑色金属材料讲述了这栋建筑曾经的荣光,而聚碳酸酯、金属网与镜面覆层则揭示了建筑的新身份,以及其崭新的未来。 Creating a sense of purpose and architectural identity within the campus, materials offer context and meaning. Concrete flooring and black metal speak of the building’s past. While technical materials like polycarbonate, metal mesh and mirrored cladding announce its new future. ▼材料营造了工作的氛围与意义,materials offer context and meaning © Finbarr Fallon

视觉冲击力十足的金属阶梯是工艺水平的完美体现,亦回响着这座建筑在工业时代的过往。这一悉心设计的结构提供了鼓舞人心的设计时刻。当戴森的员工们走入涡轮大厅准备开始一天的工作时,这个标志性的结构无时不刻揭示着这栋建筑焕发着全新的生命力——蜕变为设计与科技创新的诞生地。 The striking metal staircase celebrates craftmanship and echoes the building’s industrial past. Employees enter the Turbine Hall as they head to work. Here they are greeted with a symbolic reminder of the buildings new revitalised purpose – to spark design and technology innovation. ▼金属阶梯的俯瞰图,top view of the metal staircase © Finbarr Fallon

项目名称 戴森全球总部 项目地点 新加坡 完工日期 2022 项目面积 13006 sq-m 摄影版权 Finbarr Fallon 奖项认可 2022AIA International Design Awards – Honor Award for Interior Architecture 2022AIA International Design Awards – Sustainable Future Award 2022AIA International Design Awards – Inaugural IDEA (Inclusive Design Excellence Award) 2022Dezeen Awards – Large workspace interior (Public vote winner) 所获认证 Dezeen Large Workspace Interior (Public Vote Winner) AIA International Honor Award for Interior Architecture AIA International Sustainable Future Award AIA Inaugural IDEA (Inclusive Design Excellence Award) 来自:Sunset设计 |