Sangria is a perennial favorite. [Photo provided to China Daily]
古巴这款风靡全球的鸡尾酒(cocktail)融合了薄荷(mint)的清凉、青柠(lime)的鲜酸、蔗糖(cane sugar)的甜美和白朗姆酒( white rum)的甘冽,再与苏打水(soda)和冰块(ice)碰撞出冰爽口感,绝对是夏日最怡人的清新冰饮。
莫吉托的名气很大程度上是海明威带来的。据传,这位美国传奇作家在古巴生活时,时常光顾哈瓦那的一家酒吧La Bodeguita del Medio,并点上一杯莫吉托。
The popularity of the Mojito began with Ernest Hemingway during his time in Cuba. The American author was rumored to have drank the cocktail often at one of his favorite bars, La Bodeguita del Medio in Havana.La Bodeguita del Medio酒吧的墙上还挂着据说是海明威亲笔写下的一句话,似乎佐证着他对莫吉托和这家酒吧的喜爱:
“My mojito in La Bodeguita, My daiquiri in El Floridita.”我的莫吉托在La Bodeguita,我的代基里在El Floridita。
Though Hemingway’s fascination with mojitos may be more myth than fact, that doesn’t stop tons of visitors from ordering the cocktail at the Havana watering hole.尽管海明威对莫吉托的迷恋更有可能是传闻而非事实,但这并不妨碍无数游客慕名前往这家哈瓦那酒吧点上一杯莫吉托鸡尾酒。
Mojito. [Photo provided to China Daily]
流传最广的一种说法,是著名的英国海盗弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士(Sir Francis Drake)在16世纪发明了莫吉托。
It is said that the original Mojito was a medicinal drink to curb disease on the island of Cuba. A moonshine rum-type alcohol was mixed with mint, lime, and sugar cane syrup to ward off illness.相传最早的莫吉托是一种药酒,古巴岛上的人民用其驱疾祛病。这种酒用类似朗姆酒的私酿与薄荷、青柠、蔗糖混合,可以抵御疾病。
When pirates invaded Cuba the drink was introduced to Pirate Drake where he promptly used rum in place of the Cuban moonshine. The drink took on the name El Draque, until it became the Mojito.海盗侵袭古巴时,有人向海盗德雷克推荐了这款酒,他立刻用朗姆代替了古巴人的私酿。这酒随后更名为El Draque,之后逐渐演变为Mojito。
moonshine ['muːn.ʃaɪn] n.非法酿制并销售的威士忌(或其他烈酒);私酿酒
It has been claimed that African slaves working in the Cuban sugar cane fields created the drink from “Aguardiente de cana” (literally “firewater of the sugar cane”) – a simple sugar cane alcohol.据称古巴甘蔗园里劳作的非洲奴隶发明了这种“甘蔗中的烈酒”。
Certainly the name “Mojito” fits this story, stemming from the word “Mojo”, meaning “to place a little spell”. 当然Mojito的名字和这一说法很合拍。Mojito或源自mojo一词,意思是“施魔法”。
花样百出的鸡尾酒,有时候光听名字就让人浮想联翩:血腥玛丽(Bloody Mary)、含羞草(Mimosa)、激情海滩(Sex on the Beach)、大都会(Cosmopolitan)、僵尸(Zombie)、绿色蚱蜢(Grasshopper)、午后之死(Death in the Afternoon)……
可以推测的是,作为 “鸡尾酒” 的 cocktail 应该发源于19世纪初的美国。1806 年,纽约州的一份周报The Balance and Columbian Repository刊登了一条读者来信:What is a cocktail?编辑这样回答他/她:
Cock-tail is a stimulating liquor, composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water, and bitters—it is vulgarly called bittered sling.Cock-tail 是一种刺激性烈酒,由任何种类的酒加上糖、水和苦精组成——俗称苦司令。