【学校介绍】新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),简称国大(NUS)建立于1905年,是一所位于新加坡的第一所公立研究型大学,国大共有17所学院,分布在新加坡肯特岗、武吉知马和欧南3大校区,提供跨 ...
【学校介绍】 新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),简称国大(NUS)建立于1905年,是一所位于新加坡的第一所公立研究型大学,国大共有17所学院,分布在新加坡肯特岗、武吉知马和欧南3大校区,提供跨学科跨院系的广泛课程,在全球设有12所海外学院。 雄厚的师资力量、卓越的科研实力、国际化的学术水准以及多元化的学生背景,共同成就了今天国大在亚洲的学界地位以及世界的影响力。在国际权威机构发布的排名中,新加坡国立大学连续多年位居亚洲榜首。 自新加坡建国以来,新加坡国立大学共诞生五位新加坡总理/总统,两位马来西亚前首相,一位前世界卫生组织总干事,多位世界一流科学家及世界五百强企业掌舵人。 2022年QS世界大学排名11位 2022年QS亚洲世界大学排名第1位 2022年美国U.S.New世界大学排名第29位 2022年英国THE亚洲世界大学排名第3位 2022年英国THE世界大学排名第25位 2022年中国软科世界大学学术排名第75位 【学院介绍】 新加坡国立大学商学院,简称“国大商学院”,成立于1965年,隶属于亚洲地区顶尖高等学府-新加坡国立大学(NUS)。秉承“引领亚洲,放眼全球”之理念,坚守“卓越、关爱、创新、诚信、协作”之核心价值,历经55年来的不懈努力,常年跻身于全球顶级商学院之列,引领亚洲商科教研思想之前驱。 现有近150名全职教授学者执教于六个主要科系-策略与政策系、商业分析与运营管理系、金融系、会计系、管理与组织以及市场营销系。国大商学院多年来致力于商业、管理与创新等领域的教学、研究与实践,为亚洲和全球的商业机构、政府部门以及各大国际组织、NGO培养了三万九千多名管理型人才。 【专业介绍】 专业1:The NUS Executive MBA新加坡国立大学行政工商管理硕士课程类型:授课型 所在学院:NUS Business School 商学院 学制:15个月 入学时间:5月 申请截止时间:12.31(第一轮),1.31(第二轮),3.15(最后一轮) 学费:110000万新币 入学要求:认可机构的学士学位或是同等学历,入围的候选人将被邀请参加视频或是现场面试,获得学士学位后,至少10年全职工作经验,应聘者必须担任高级职位或有潜力在不久的将来担任高级管理职位,雅思建议7.0+ Curriculum 课程 LEAD: LEADERSHIP, EXPLORATION, ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Work with professional coaches and strengthen your leadership skills Self-awareness helps us to understand why we do things the way we do, what is important to us, and understand the people around us. This module is designed for you to gain self-awareness, and to help you develop both as a person and a leader. Get key insights into who you are as a person and a leader, and solicit feedback from experts and insights in how you could optimise your personal and leadership effectiveness. Tie concrete situations from cases and your experiences to essential theories on organisational behaviour and effective leadership practices. MANAGING ORGANISATIONS Understand the challenges of leading and changing organisations Leading individuals, groups, and organisations effectively is key to managerial excellence. Yet, it may pose the most difficult challenges for managers. This module will provide you with a framework for increasing individual, group and organisational performance. It will also help you understand and acquire critical leadership knowledge and skills required to shape and manage the behaviour of people in organisations. Through self-reflection of your own practice at work, you learn to relate the relevance and usefulness of the concepts and management practices discussed in class to your work experiences. BUSINESS ANALYTICS AND DECISION MAKING Make smart, data-driven decisions Build up your Analytical Quotient (AQ) to thrive in the Industry 4.0 era. Acquire hands-on experience applying descriptive, prescriptive and predictive analytical tools to pertinent data in order to extract insights for smart decisions in an uncertain environment. Routinely apply a holistic methodology to cases arising in various organisational settings including finance, marketing, supply chain, HR, and government. MARKETING STRATEGY Outshine your competition in a digital economy This module integrates digital and social media marketing as well as social purpose (CSR and sustainability) with core marketing strategy concepts and tools. Asian and global case studies are effectively utilised to enhance marketing decision making rigour ranging from market entry strategy, new product marketing, branding and customercentricity. Projects are specifically designed to encourage participants to integrate a social purpose when developing and executing marketing and branding strategies which impact positively on brand equity and benefit both society and business outcomes. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERS Can your business succeed? Explore how microeconomic analytical tools can be applied to business practices. Analyse the functioning of markets, the economic behaviour of firms and other economic agents and their economic/managerial implications through a selected set of topics that are motivated by real-world observations of business operations. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND INTERNATIONALISM Take your business across borders How does a business become international in its operations and sales? What are the management challenges associated with operating in multiple geographic markets? Analyse the elements of business environments, such as the political, regulatory and social environments that shape the nature and conduct of business in Asia and in the world, and consider the role of multilateral institutions and prominent national institutions on internationalisation strategy and multinational management. ASIA & GLOBAL ECONOMY Know Asia, know the world Apply the analytical tools of macroeconomics extensively to Asia. Analyse business cycles and the role of stabilisation policy. Explore key issues such as the determination of exchange rate in the short- and long-run, how currency risk can be hedged, how economic “shocks” are transmitted internationally and what policy can achieve in response, determinants of economic growth in the long run with lessons from Asia, challenges facing the Chinese economy, and perspectives on financial crises and financial regulation. TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP Gain first mover's advantage Acquire the analytic tools to analyse and anticipate opportunities, threats and risks created by technological and business model innovation, the organisational challenges of incumbent firms facing disruptive innovation, and the entrepreneurial mind-set and change-maker skill-set needed to make innovation happen. STRATEGY Achieve, sustain and renew your competitive advantage Strategy is shaped not only by the underlying market and competitive conditions that prevail in an industry, but also by the resources as well as by the firm’s internal structure, systems, and culture. This integration of the external and internal perspectives provides the basic framework for strategic thinking, and opens the door for more strategic analysis in a variety of context. ACCOUNTING & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Know the language of business Understand the principles of accounting and financial management, including uses and limitations of accounting information for decision making and performance evaluation; knowledge of financial resource management; role of managers in maximising the financial value of the firm; standard techniques of financial analysis and control; financial markets and the environment in which businesses operate; valuation and capital budgeting; capital structure and the cost of capital; the choice of sources of financing; and management of current assets and liabilities of the firm. MANAGING HUMAN CAPITAL Capitalise on your most valuable asset Cover theories, concepts, practices and current issues in the management of human capital in organisations. Topics include strategic human resource management, organisational culture, recruitment & selection, performance management, and compensation & benefits. Discuss the impact of globalisation and technology such as AI on human capital. VALUE CHAINS, LOGISTICS AND OPERATIONS Better match supply with demand Discover how firms can leverage their Value Chains, Logistics and Operations to limit both the incidence and consequence of supply-demand mismatches. Use cases from a wide range of industries to understand how firms that employ these techniques to better match supply with demand enjoy a significant competitive advantage and deliver superior value. COMMUNICATIONS, INFLUENCE AND NEGOTIATIONS Communicate effectively as a leader. Acquire the skills needed to communicate decisions effectively, understand the dynamics of negotiations and recognise the importance of influencing at the workplace. Understand how employees communicate with new technologies and the role that these digital trends will play in communication challenges that leaders face at the workplace. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & MARKETS Create value Understand the ways in which firms can create value for their shareholders by applying appropriate financial strategies. Topics covered include time value of money, relationship between risk and return, valuation of bonds and stocks, the bond market and the stock market in Asia and globally, evaluation of investment projects, payout policy, capital structure, capital raising strategies, the IPO process, and the initial issues market. MANAGING CHANGE & DISRUPTION Survive and thrive in a VUCA world Managing change and disruption is a core leadership skill in today’s constantly changing and VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) work environment. But few leaders manage change well. The brutal fact is – 70% of all change initiatives fail – which is why mastering this skill will not only future-proof your organisation, but also your career. Arm yourself with practical skills and hands-on tools for planning, leading and managing change and disruption. GOVERNANCE & SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS Build a sound business foundation In view of the globalisation of markets, capital, technology, products and talent, clear views on how corporations are and should be governed, and the principles to guide such governance, are important for executives, as well as those shaping public policy. Gain a solid understanding of Corporate Governance from an international perspective – with a focus on Asia – drawing from the insights of academia, regulators and practitioners. 专业2:The NUS Executive MBA (Chinese)新加坡国立大学行政工商管理硕士(中文)课程类型:授课型 所在学院:NUS Business School 商学院 学制:24个月 入学时间:9月 申请截止时间:4.30 申请费:300新币 学费:141000新币 入学要求:具有大学本科或是本科以上学历,8年以上全职工作经验,并具有5年以上管理工作经验,目前担任企业/机构高层管理职位或有潜力的近期进入高级管理层,有面试 中文EMBA特色: • 新加坡国立大学1997年首开先河,作为全球首家开设中文EMBA的高等学府,距今已有24年的成功办学经验。新国大中文EMBA硕士学位课程是新加坡国立大学的旗舰项目,致力于培养具有国际化视野、全球化战略眼光的企业家、管理者和商界领袖。• 新加坡国立大学中文EMBA课程开设24年来,始终坚持小班教学,学员汇聚中国大陆、台湾、香港、东南亚、日本、澳大利亚、欧美等地区杰出商界精英,校友在亚洲甚至国际上各行各业屡创佳绩,独领风骚。作为新加坡国立大学中文EMBA校友,将可在“终身学习计划”下申请EMBA课程旁听。 课程体系: 新加坡国立大学中文EMBA课程学制2年 , 包含必修课(68个学分)和选修课(4个学分)18门科目 , 共分10个学段 , 每2个月集中8-10天密集型授课 , 采用中文教材(必要时配备专业中文翻译)。学员毕业后授予新加坡国立大学硕士学位。除课堂讲授外 , 辅之专题讲座、学术论坛、实战案例、典型企业参访、与知名企业家面对面座谈等教学形式 , 力求全方位、多角度地提高学生素养 , 系统梳理过往企业管理得失 , 培养和升华企业家的全球领导力。 必修课程:领导力、人力资本管理、组织与变革管理、创意与创新管理、战略、商业分析与决策、市场营销战略、管理经济学、管理专题研讨A、技术与创新创业、亚洲与全球经济、科技与商业前沿、国际商务与国际化、会计及信息管理、系统运营、公司金融、金融市场 选修课程:变革管理实践项目、知识产权、数字化的冲击、数据分析与决策、服务营销、数字化转型和智能管理、当代经济与金融专题、人工智能与机遇、与AI共舞-论AI时代的竞争力迁移、人工智能与区块链助力、现代金融科技、大数据与人工智能、金融科技 专业3:The NUS MBA新加坡国立大学工商管理硕士课程类型:授课型 所在学院:NUS Business School 商学院 学制:17个月 入学时间:8月 申请截止时间:10.27(第一轮)、1.17(第二轮)、3.31(最后一轮) 申请费:100新币 学费:76000新币 入学要求:学士学位,雅思至少6.5+,需要GRE/GMAT分数建议320+/700+,至少2年本科后全职工作经验(申请时)。有面试 课程: Academic Core CORPORATE STRATEGY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS MARKETING MANAGEMENT MANAGERIAL OPERATIONS & ANALYTICS LEADING WITH IMPACT Experiential Core LAUNCH YOUR TRANSFORMATION MBA SURVIVAL KIT MBA CONSULTING PROJECT 专业4:UCLA-NUS Executive MBA加州大学洛杉矶分校-新加坡国立大学行政工商管理硕士 课程类型:授课型 所在学院:NUS Business School 商学院 学制:15个月 入学时间:5月 申请截止时间:10.31(第一轮)、2.28(最后一轮) 申请费:200美元 学费:130000美元 入学要求:认可的四年全日制学士学位或是同等学位,本科课程和任何学士学位后的学术平均成绩位B以上,新加坡或是英国的三年制的学士学位也可以接受;获得学士学位后,至少10年全职工作经验,目前的职位是高级管理职责。雅思建议至少6.5+,强烈建议有GRE/GMAT成绩,有面试 Curriculum 课程 COMPETITIVE STRATEGY & BUSINESS POLICYThe module concentrates on the strategic responsibilities of leaders and with a primary focus on what they do to achieve success. Proven valuable in practice concepts and frameworks that are rooted in the theory of strategy and management will be introduced. Key concepts relating to strategy, customers, competition, competencies, and the broader environment, will be combined with analysis of difficult choices senior leaders make to achieve their intent. CORPORATE FINANCEThe module aims to provide a strong conceptual foundation for finance. Finance theories will be used to solve practical problems faced by financial managers. Key topics such as time value of money, portfolio risks, value bonds and stocks, cost of capital, non-technical fundamentals of cryptocurrencies and digital assets and blockchain-based methods of raising capital will be covered. DATA ANALYSIS & MANAGEMENT DECISIONSStudies statistical model building with emphasis on managerial interpretation of statistical summary data. The course also covers classic statistics through multiple regression analysis to support subsequent courses in finance and marketing. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERSFocuses on analyzing the functioning of markets, the economic behavior of firms and other economic agents and their economic/managerial implications through a selected set of topics that are motivated by real-world observations of business operations. Topics to be covered include fundamental market forces, consumer and firm behavior under various market structures, sophisticated pricing strategies with market power, decision-makings under uncertainty/risk/information asymmetry, strategic interactions in game-theoretic situations and a variety of behavioral insights. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND NEW VENTURE CREATIONFocus on innovative entrepreneurship contextualized to cover not just advanced economies like the US but also Asian emerging markets. Structured around four themes: (1) The entrepreneurial mindset and skillset to recognize opportunities and mobilize resources to exploit them; (2) the Lean StartUp approach to discover and validate business opportunities, and the key analytical tools for analysing and designing viable start-up business model; (3) the Entrepreneurial New Venture Creation Process: Equity structuring, funding rounds & investment terms, team building, and exit strategy; (4) the special challenges of Social Impact-driven Entrepreneurship and Corporate Intrapreneurship. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTINGFamiliarizes the manager with functions of accounting by focusing on the use of external financial reports for evaluating corporate performance and use of accounting information for internal planning and control. LEADERSHIP AND MANAGERIAL SKILLSLeading individuals, groups, and organizations effectively is key to managerial excellence. Yet, for managers worldwide it has been shown to be the most difficult challenge in their career. This module is designed to help you meet this challenge by helping you to gain self‐awareness (to explore and assess) and to help you develop as a leader (to develop) with the aim to guide and empower employees in their journeys of change. LOGISTICS AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTIntroduces the functional areas of logistics and operations management, with a focus on more current developments and their strategic and managerial significance. MACROECONOMICS AND INTERNATIONAL FINANCEIntroduces the analytical tools of macroeconomics and international finance for decision-making in situations of scarce resources, competition and imperfect markets, with emphasis on Asia. Key issues covered include the analysis of business cycle dynamics, role of stabilization policy and open economy with trade and capital flows. MANAGEMENT PRACTICUMThe Management Practicum is a global strategic integrative consulting project which is conducted as a double module, in lieu of a master’s thesis. It is designed to allow participants to work in teams to employ and enhance the tools and concepts learned in the classroom and bring analytical thinking to problems of strategic importance for real-world businesses and organizations. MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATIONPresents fundamental strategies and frameworks to analyse and evaluate various alternatives to creating, implementing, marketing and managing new technologies. An important part of the course is how to differentiate among technology products, market them to tightly focused market segments and develop effective competitive strategies. Frameworks studied include: the technology adoption curve; developing whole products; managing disruptive technology adoption; managing through strategic dissonance; and compelling value creation. MARKETING STRATEGYTo encourage strategic thinking about marketing, this module integrates theory and practice from the core disciplines of Marketing Strategy, Cross‐Cultural Consumer Behavior, Brand Management, Digital and Social Media Marketing and Analytics and Business Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. NEGOTIATIONS BEHAVIORPresentation of theoretical principles and concepts from psychology, sociology, and economics through lectures and readings, with focus primarily on improving practical negotiating skills through experiential learning (i.e., negotiations simulations). Participants learn not only to enhance their individual abilities in dyadic and group situations but also to analyse contexts for most effective application of these skills. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP & STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATIONDesigned to address several fundamental aspects of leading complex organizations, this course places particular emphasis on the importance of developing well-aligned, high performance organizations and the challenges of leading change in organizations. The primary goals of this course are to enable students to develop an organized point of view on strategic leadership, and increase awareness of themselves as leaders. TWO 2-UNIT ELECTIVES*You will be able to choose to attend two modules from the electives offered by UCLA on the sixth segment. Sample electives include New Product Development, Customer Assessment & Analytics, Financial Forecasting, Analysis & Modeling, Cloud Computing & Big Data, and Mergers & Acquisitions. 申请小结 NUS商学院可能对于现在的你是一种动力,一种规划和一种期待,可以从现在开始行动,做最好的自己。 来自:锐取教育 |