Professionals canchoose between three different work visas to migrate to Singapore.专业人士可以选择三种不同的工作签证移民到新加坡。The number of S Passholders a company can employ is limited.公司可雇 ...
Professionals canchoose between three different work visas to migrate to Singapore. 专业人士可以选择三种不同的工作签证移民到新加坡。 The number of S Passholders a company can employ is limited. 公司可雇用的S通行证持有人数目有限。 A migrants spouse,children, and parents can come to Singapore with a Dependent’sPass and Long Term Visit Pass 移民的配偶、子女和父母可以持受抚养人通行证和长期访问通行证来新加坡 While many othercountries are turning away immigrants, Singapore continuesto have an open-door policy for all immigrants. In fact, the numberof immigrants in this country has been steading rising for manyyears. 在许多其他国家拒绝移民之际,新加坡继续对所有移民实行开放政策。事实上,这个国家的移民数量多年来一直在稳步上升。 An immigrantpopulation is not a recent development in Singapore. As far as WorldWar II, immigrants accounted for a majority of the island’spopulation. 移民人口在新加坡并不是最近才出现的。在第二次世界大战期间,移民占了新加坡人口的大多数。 In 2017, Singapore’stotal population was around 5612.3 thousand of which 1646.5 thousandwere nonresidents. 2017年,新加坡总人口约为5612300人,其中非居民1646500人。 A majority of theresident population is of Chinese descent while Malays and Indiansaccount for a little over 20% of the population. 大多数居民是华裔,而马来人和印度人只占总人口的20%多一点。 Why Migrate toSingapore 为什么要移民到新加坡 There is no oneparticular reason why people migrate to Singapore. A large expatpopulation means that it is easy for immigrants to settle in thiscountry. Singapore offers world-class education at every stage fromkindergarten to university. 人们移民到新加坡并没有特别的原因。大量的外籍人口意味着移民很容易在这个国家定居。新加坡在从幼儿园到大学的各个阶段都提供世界一流的教育。 The country has astrong economy and is home to some of the highest paid people in theworld. Coupled with a low cost of living lets Singaporeans enjoy ahigh standard of living. The country’s natural beauty andtourist attractions are yet another reason it looks attractive topeople. 这个国家经济强劲,是世界上一些收入最高的人的家园。再加上生活成本低,新加坡人的生活水平很高。新加坡的自然美景和旅游景点也是吸引人们的另一个原因。 Migrating toSingapore – The Process 移民到新加坡的过程 Most of Singapore’smigrant population comes from nearby countries. There are many wayspeople from these countries migrate to Singapore. This dependslargely on why they want to move here. 新加坡的移民人口大多数来自邻近国家。这些国家的人移民到新加坡的方式有很多种。这在很大程度上取决于他们为什么想要移居到这里。 Migrating forWork 为了工作而移民 Professional canchoose between three different types of work visas to migrate toSingapore. 专业人士可以选择三种不同类型的工作签证移民到新加坡。 Employment Pass 就业通行证 A highly qualifiedprofessional can apply for an Employment Pass (EP) to migrate toSingapore. The company seeking to employ the individual must applyfor this. It is valid for up to 2 years as long as the samecompany employs the individual. If the individual switches jobs, thenew company will have to reapply for an EP. An EP can be renewed forup to 3 years. 一个高素质的专业人士可以申请就业通行证(EP)移民到新加坡。寻求雇佣个人的公司必须申请这个。只要同一家公司雇用该名个人,该证件的有效期最长为2年。如果个人转换工作,新公司将不得不重新申请执行许可证。一份执行合同最长可以续签3年。 No levies or quotasare applicable for EPs. Migrants earning more than $4000 per monthmay bring their spouse and dependent children to Singapore. Migrantsearning more than $8000 per month may also bring their parents toSingapore. 每股收益不适用任何税收或配额。每月收入超过4000美元的移民可以带着他们的配偶和受抚养的子女来新加坡。每月收入超过8000美元的移民也可以把他们的父母带到新加坡。 To be eligible foran EP, the following criteria must be met: 申请环境许可证必须符合下列条件: A first-timeemployee must be paid a minimum salary of $3,300 per month. 第一次工作的员工每月的最低工资必须是3300美元。 The minimum salarymay increase based on the applicant’s experience. 根据申请人的经验,最低工资可能会提高。 The individual musthave the educational qualifications necessary for the position. 个人必须具备该职位所需的教育资格。 The individual musthave relevant experience. 个人必须有相关经验。 Entre Pass 通行证 This is alsoreferred to as an Entrepreneur Pass. It is intended for foreignentrepreneurs who want to migrate to Singapore and operate newbusinesses in the country. The Entre Pass is valid for a period of 1year and may be renewed further. 这也被称为企业家通行证。它是为那些想要移民到新加坡并在新加坡开展新业务的外国企业家准备的。通行证的有效期为1年,可以进一步延长。 Dependents can bebrought to Singapore only after the pass has been renewed once. Thus,no dependents can be brought to Singapore in the first year. Nolevies or quotas are applicable for an Entre Pass. 家属只有在通行证更新一次后才能被带到新加坡。因此,第一年不能带任何家属来新加坡。没有税收或配额适用于通行证。 To be eligible foran Entre Pass, the following criteria must be met: 要获得通行证资格,必须满足以下标准: The individual mustbe at least 21 years old. 个人必须至少21岁。 He or she must havethe relevant education and experience. 他或她必须有相关的教育和经验。 The applicant mustown at least 30% of the new venture. 申请人必须拥有新企业至少30%的股份。 The business must beable to provide local employment. 企业必须能够提供当地的就业机会。 The individual’sbusiness must be registered with the Accounting and CorporateRegulatory Authority (ACRA) or he must intend on registering it onreceiving the Entre Pass. 个人的企业必须在会计及公司监管局(ACRA)登记,或者他必须打算在收到通行证时登记。 The new businessmust meet one of the below 4 criteria- 新业务必须符合以下四项准则之一- It must be funded byan accredited VC 它必须由认证风险投资公司资助 It must haveproprietary intellectual property 它必须拥有专有知识产权 It must work incollaboration with a premier research institution 它必须与一流的研究机构合作 It must work with agovernment-supported incubator 它必须与政府支持的孵化器合作 PersonalizedEmployment Pass (PEP) 个性化就业通行证 This is a specialvisa reserved for high-earning professionals who want to migrate toSingapore and Employment Pass (EP) holders. The PEP gives theindividual flexibility in terms of switching jobs as it is notassociated with any one particular employer. 这是一种特殊的签证,为那些想要移民到新加坡的高收入专业人士和持有就业通行证的人保留。PEP在转换工作方面给予个人灵活性,因为它与任何一个特定的雇主无关。 The visa istypically valid for 3 years and also allows the individual to stay inSingapore for up to 6 months without a job. This via cannot berenewed. No levies or quotas are applicable for the PEP. Theapplicant may bring his spouse, children and parents to Singapore asdependents. 该签证通常有效期为3年,并允许个人在新加坡停留长达6个月而无需工作。这个通行证不能更新。没有征税或配额适用于PEP。申请人可以将其配偶、子女和父母作为受抚养人带到新加坡。 To be eligible for aPEP, the following criteria must be met: 符合下列条件才有资格获得人事变动预防: If the applicant isa foreign professional, he or she must draw a minimum salary of$18,000 per month. 如果申请人是外国专业人士,他或她必须领取每月18,000美元的最低工资。 If the applicantholds a valid EP, he or she must draw a minimum salary of $12,000 permonth. 如果申请人持有有效的环境许可证,他或她必须领取每月12,000美元的最低工资。 S Pass S 通行证 This visa isintended to be used by lesser qualified workers wanting to migrate toSingapore. The company seeking to employ the individual must applyfor this visa. A quota limits the number of people a company canemploy with S passes. According to this quota, S Pass holders cannotaccount for more than 15-20% of a company’s total workforce. 这种签证适用于希望移民到新加坡的资质较差的工人。寻求雇佣个人的公司必须申请这个签证。配额限制了一家公司可以用S通行证雇佣的人数。根据这个配额,S通行证持有者不能超过公司总劳动力的15-20%。 The S Pass is validfor a period of 2 years and may be renewed for another 3 years aslong as the individual is still employed by the same company. If theindividual earns more than $4,000 per month, the individual’sspouse and children may also migrate to Singapore. 通行证的有效期为2年,只要该人仍受雇于同一公司,通行证可续期3年。如果个人月收入超过4000美元,他的配偶和孩子也可以移民到新加坡。 To be eligible foran S Pass, the following criteria must be met: 符合下列条件,方可申请通行证: The individual mustdraw a monthly salary of at least $2,200 个人必须领取至少2200美元的月薪 The companysponsoring the applicant must provide health insurance 担保申请人的公司必须提供健康保险 Moving to Reunitewith Family 搬家与家人团聚 Migrants with an EP,PEP or S Pass may bring their legal spouse and dependent children toSingapore with a Dependent Pass. Stepchildren, a common law spouseand disabled children over the age of 21 years may migrate toSingapore with a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP). 持有EP、PEP 或S通行证的移民可以带其合法配偶和受抚养子女到新加坡,并持有受抚养子女通行证。继子女,普通法配偶和21岁以上的残疾儿童可以通过长期访问通行证(LTVP)移民到新加坡。 Dependent’sPass 家属通行证 The company thatsponsored the EP, PEP or S Pass visa for the individual wishing tobring his or her dependents must apply for this. It is valid for upto 2 years subject to the validity of the EP, PEP or S Pass visaassociated with it. It may be renewed further. No levies or quotasare applicable for a dependent pass. 为希望携带家属的个人发放EP、PEP 或s 通行证的公司必须申请这种签证。根据与之相关的EP,PEP或S签证的有效性,它的有效期最长为2年。它可能会进一步更新。家属通行证不适用任何征税或配额。 To be eligible for aDependent Pass, the following criteria must be met: 必须符合以下条件才能获得「家属通行证」: The sponsoringindividual must earn at least$4,000 per month 担保人必须每月至少赚取4,000美元 He or she must belegally married to the spouse 他或她必须与配偶合法结婚 Children areconsidered dependent as long as they are below the age of 21 years. 只要儿童不满21岁,他们就被视为受抚养人。 Long Term VisitPass 长期访问通行证 This is designed foran individual who wants his or her common-law spouse, stepchildrenand parents to migrate to Singapore. The company that sponsored theEP, PEP or S Pass visa for the individual wishing to bring his or herdependents must apply for this. It is valid as long as the EP, PEP orS Pass visa associated with it is valid. No levies or quotas areapplicable for a dependent pass. 这是为那些希望自己的共居者配偶、继子女和父母移民到新加坡的个人设计的。该公司赞助的EP,PEP或 s通行证的个人希望带来他或她的家属必须申请这一点。只要与之相关的EP,PEP或S签证是有效的,它就是有效的。没有税收或配额适用于依赖通行证。 To be eligible for aLong Term Visit Pass, the following criteria must be met: 要获得长期访港通行证,必须符合以下条件: The individual mustearn at least$4,000 per month to bring his spouse and children 个人必须每月至少赚取4,000美元,才能携带配偶和子女 The individual mustearn at least$8,000 per month to bring his parents 每个人必须每月至少挣8000美元才能带父母来 Dependent’sPass and Long-Term Visit Pass for Entre Pass Holders 持证人的受养人通行证及长期探访通行证 Family members of anEntre Passholder may migrate to Singapore under either visa as longas the following criteria are met: 通行证持有人的家庭成员可以根据任一签证移民到新加坡,只要符合以下标准: Spouse and Children 配偶及子女 The company musthave spent at least $150,000 公司必须至少花费15万美元 The company musthave provided employment for at least 4 locals 该公司必须为至少4名当地人提供就业机会 Parents 父母 The company musthave spent at least $300,000 公司至少花了30万美元 The company musthave provided employment for at least 8 locals 该公司必须为至少8名当地人提供就业机会 PermanentResidency (PR) 永久居留权 Permanent residencycan give people who migrate to Singapore many of the same privilegesas Singaporean citizens. This includes the right to buy property inSingapore, higher priority public schooling for children and theright to live in the country without being subject to visarestrictions. 永久居留权可以让移民到新加坡的人享有与新加坡公民相同的许多特权。这包括在新加坡购买房产的权利、儿童优先接受公立学校教育的权利以及在该国生活而不受签证限制的权利。 PTS Scheme 公积金计划 Individuals alreadyworking in Singapore with a valid Employment Pass or EntrepreneurPass can apply for permanent residency through this scheme. To beeligible the individual must have worked in Singapore for at least 6months. 已在新加坡工作并持有有效就业通行证或企业家通行证的个人可通过该计划申请永久居留权。符合条件的个人必须在新加坡工作至少6个月。 Global InvestorProgram 全球投资者计划 Under this program,an individual can apply for permanent residency for himself/herselfand their immediate family by investing a minimum of SGD2.5 millionin a new or established business or in a GIP-approved fund. Theindividual must also have an entrepreneurial background and a goodbusiness track record. 根据这一方案,个人可以为自己及其直系亲属申请永久居留权,方法是向新的或成立的企业或GIP核准的基金投资至少250万新加坡元。个人还必须有创业背景和良好的商业记录。 Foreign ArtisticTalent Scheme 外籍艺术人才计划 Individuals talentedin arts such as photography, music, dance, theatre, literature orfilm wanting to migrate to Singapore can apply for permanentresidency through this scheme. To be eligible the individual must bea recognized artist in his/ her own country and must have thenecessary qualifications and training. The individual must also havemade a significant contribution to the art and cultural scene inSingapore. 在摄影、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、文学或电影等艺术方面有才华的人想移民到新加坡,可以通过该计划申请永久居留权。申请者必须是本国认可的艺术家,并且必须具备必要的资格和培训。个人还必须对新加坡的艺术和文化领域做出重大贡献。